In an effort to connect our supporters more closely to our Medical Clinics, we are offering a new way for you to make an impact on the lives of our Haitians patient. For a one-time gift of $360 or a monthly recurring gift of $30, you will help offset the expenses of operating our Medical […]
Plumpy Nut to the Rescue
Today we hear from Dr. Steve Trainor, who is currently with the September Medical Team in Haiti. “Similien is a nine-month-old girl who was brought into the clinic today by her grandmother. The mother died a week after giving birth to the baby, and the grandmother has struggled to provide food for her. I offered […]
FOTCOH Pancake and Sausage Breakfast Fundraiser
Thanks to everyone that attended our Pancake and Sausage Breakfast Fundraiser in Memory of Tim Kellstadt this past Saturday! Tim Kellstadt was a long-time volunteer of FOTCOH who passed away a few years ago. To honor Tim and his dedication to our mission, his family, friends, and other FOTCOH supporters have breakfast together at the Brimfield […]
Introducing Preacher
Today we hear from September Team volunteer Therese Trainor, who is currently at the clinic working along side the other medical volunteers in Haiti. Therese wrote to us this story: “There are a ton of amazing citizens of Haiti. The one I met that really stood out to me was Preacher. He is always pleasant […]
FOTCOH Executive Director Attends Pharmaceutical Conference
Executive Director Nathan Ruby is attending the annual meeting for the Illinois Council of Health-Systems Pharmacists. FOTCOH has a booth at the trade show along with some of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, and Nathan is in attendance to discuss the important work that FOTCOH is doing in Haiti! A special thank you […]
Toys for Kids in Haiti
Today we hear from our September Team Volunteer, Mary Timmerman, who is currently at the FOTCOH clinic: “As a new member of the FOTCOH team, I am so impressed with all the other team members. They work hard and try to help all the Haitian people, and the Haitians appreciate everything that we do. The […]
A Gracious Gift of Dresses
The September Medical Team is at the clinic currently, and we received a sweet message from volunteer Peggy Gentes today: “Before we left to travel to Haiti, the FOTCOH September Team was very fortunate to receive eight five hand-sewn dresses donated from the Sewing Ministry Annunciation Catholic Church in Elma, New York. These dresses were graciously accepted […]
Ten Reasons to Travel to Haiti
Volunteering in Haiti at the FOTCOH clinic isn’t only about the work to we do with the Haitian people to bring them healthcare. Getting the chance to travel to Haiti allows you to have an amazing experience in a beautiful country full of rich history and culture. Consider these top reasons to visit Haiti with […]
Volunteering in Haiti: The Chance of a Life-time
Why is volunteering in Haiti something that anyone who gets the chance to do should do in their lives? Because volunteering is a life-changing experience that offers a new and exciting opportunity for you to help people. And many people find that the more we give, the happier we feel. You are doing good for others […]
Tee Up To Save Lives at our 20th Annual Golf Outing
2018 marks the 20thAnniversary of the FOTCOH Annual Golf Outing! Located at the Peoria County Club on Monday, September 24th, the golf outing offers an opportunity to not only fundraise for FOTCOH, but it also gives FOTCOH volunteers, donors, and supporters a chance to gather for a fun day of golf and socializing! Join us […]