Thanks to everyone that attended our Pancake and Sausage Breakfast Fundraiser in Memory of Tim Kellstadt this past Saturday! Tim Kellstadt was a long-time volunteer of FOTCOH who passed away a few years ago. To honor Tim and his dedication to our mission, his family, friends, and other FOTCOH supporters have breakfast together at the Brimfield American Legion where prizes are raffled and all money from the breakfast goes to support FOTCOH’s work in Haiti!
Jerry and Marge Repasz with Dianne Gootee
Donna Varda with her children enjoying the pancake breakfast
Supporters of FOTCOH enjoying pancakes and sausage on their Saturday morning!
Volunteers and members of the October Education Team (Kim Caldwell, Annie Schmitt, and Donna Varda) with Shirley Kellstadt, even organizer and mother of long-time FOTCOH volunteer, Tim Kellstadt.
How can you get involved in helping children and adults in Haiti?
You can help us provide life-saving support to the Haitian population in and around our medical clinic in a few different ways.
One way is by becoming a volunteer. Volunteer teams from the U.S. travel to Haiti to provide support for the most impoverished people in Haiti, who otherwise would have no access to medical care or wellness education of any kind. Team volunteers work side-by-side with experienced FOTCOH personnel, treating people who otherwise will go without any medical attention. All volunteers return home with a sense of experience and satisfaction unmatched in other endeavors.
Another way is by donating to FOTCOH. Funds go to purchasing medications, surgical supplies, and supporting our Medika Mamba program for malnourished Haitian children.
secure donation through PayPal