We Are Making A Difference

 Today we saw 216 patients at the FOTCOH clinic.   I am amazed by how the patients present versus five years ago (the last time I was here).   They have less life threatening infections, controlled diabetes and hypertension and repeated well child checks. What I am trying to say is that one can visually see the increased health status of the Haitians cared for by FOTCOH.

We still have our emergencies beyond the regular patients that have “return to clinic” cards and medical records though.  Unfortunately, we did have to resuscitate one gravely ill patient.   We also had a 25 year old female that has been suffering with diarrhea and illness for two months.  She could not walk and barely had a blood pressure.  Dr. Stoner and the medics started IV fluids, gave her anti-biotics, and then arranged transport to the hospital.   We were happy to be here to help her!

James E.M. Bender, MA, EMT-P
Associate Professor, EMS