What Does It Mean To Be a FOTCOH Volunteer

Today we hear from Elizabeth, a nurse who was a part of the September 2018 Medical Team about what it means to be a volunteer at our clinic:

“It is not something huge but all of the small things that add up. We blow bubbles, and give our toy cars and machines, soap and dresses and shoes, and sometimes we are where we are needed the most at the right time. That happened for the September Team. On Tuesday of the first week, we saw a man who was badly burned. He fell asleep by a candle and his clothes caught on fire. Burns covered his chest and abdomen. All I could do was try to clean away the ash and soot and apply Silvadine. He returned a few days later and the burns were much better and very clean. He returned again the following week and we were all amazed. His wounds were healing well. He will have scars on his chest and abdomen but the wounds will much better.

Each time we see and give medications for hypertension or diabetes we know we are helping but this was such a dramatic and visible example of how much difference a little help can make.”

Thank you, Elizabeth, for all that you do for FOTCOH and what you have done to help this special patient!

How can you get involved in helping children and adults in Haiti?

You can help us provide life-saving support to the Haitian population in and around our medical clinic in a few different ways.

One way is by becoming a volunteer. Volunteer teams from the U.S. travel to Haiti to provide support for the most impoverished people in Haiti, who otherwise would have no access to medical care or wellness education of any kind. Team volunteers work side-by-side with experienced FOTCOH personnel, treating people who otherwise will go without any medical attention. All volunteers return home with a sense of experience and satisfaction unmatched in other endeavors.

Another way is by donating to FOTCOH. Funds go to purchasing medications, surgical supplies, and supporting our Medika Mamba program for malnourished Haitian children.