What a Difference They Can Make In the World

Today we hear from Kim about a special experience she had in Haiti during our recent Education Clinic. Kim wrote:

“Today is day three of my very first mission trip. It is something that I have always wanted to do but never got to participate in. Today showed me how much of an effect FOTCOH is having on the people of Haiti and how much I can do to affect the lives of others.

This morning we started our work at a local school with teaching Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene education and giving out water filters. To watch the kids excitement over learning was like a feeling I have never had. They wanted to learn how to stay healthy and they wanted to learn what we had to say about the water filters and how to wash their hands properly. This was an incredible feeling. These two things have made a difference in so man lives.

A Life-Changing Experience

Then this afternoon I had a life-changing experience. We went into a community to educate the locals on water filtration and proper hand washing. During the training, one young mother sat in the back not saying a word but was interested in everything we had to say. She got a hygiene kit but was not signed up for a water filter. She never complained about not receiving a filter, and she got up with her small children, being pregnant herself and left the teaching area. When I noticed this, I asked one of our instructors if we could give her a water filter to take home to her family. Of course, they said yes and I ran after her and found her on her way to her house. She was surprised that I was looking for her. While standing in the street, we educated her on how to properly use and maintain the water filter as her young children hung on her side. One of her babies had no shoes or pants on. Yet even through their hardships, they were so excited to have us help them.

A Prayer for a Family

As I left the area I prayed to God to take care of her and her family. My prayer was for this water filter to provide them with clean water for some time. We may not be able to change every life in Haiti and what we do seems small, but the difference we can make does so much. This has been a life-changing experience for me and I hope that each person reading this knows what a difference they can make in the world.”

Thank you, Kim, for sharing your inspiring story, and for all that you have done are doing to help the people of Haiti!


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