Our volunteers are the backbone of our organizations and we love to hear the stories of their time spent at the FOTCOH clinic. Today we hear from a long-time volunteer, Cathrine Fry, about some of her favorite experiences in Haiti.
How did you first learn about FOTCOH? Why did you want to volunteer?
I found FOTCOH through a work email seeking pharmacist volunteers.
Tell us about a favorite memory from your time in Haiti.
Oh, so many! The clinic was winding down for lunch and we had one patient in the pharmacy, as her dossier was prepared I sat on the bench with her and had a ‘conversation’. She told me she was hungry, I happened to have a Cliff Bar in my bag in the pharmacy so I gave it to her, she was so happy to have food. It was probably her meal for the day, so grateful for such a simple gift.
What’s one thing you wish people knew about FOTCOH?
FOTCOH is a great organization. Working as a team with the Haitian people to provide the best possible medical care to the people of Haiti is such a blessing.
Any final thoughts, stories, or comments you’d like to share?
Each trip to Haiti is unique. From the ‘Amazing Race’ to get to Haiti and back. To the adventurous ride through Port au Prince and over the mountain. To work as a team with other volunteers and Haitian workers. To sometimes being creative to provide healthcare and education to the Haitian people. To the beautiful peaceful views of Haiti from the clinic. Once you have been to Haiti it’s hard not to fall in love with the people and country.