As this is my second trip to Haiti with FOTCOH, I was so excited to return knowing how much I enjoyed my first mission trip! I thought I knew what to expect, but as I have grown in the past two years since my first experience, I see things from a whole new perspective.
As I have matured and anticipate starting a family of my own, I have become very observant of the children of Haiti. One child in particular really touched my heart. This little boy was just over a month old and weighed in around 1.3 pounds. As I held the baby I realized what a bright light we were bringing to the people here at the FOTCOH clinic.
As the provider continued to educate the mother on nutrition and lifestyle to help the child survive, I was able to hold the baby and attempt to feed him formula for the first time. He had only ever been fed water. There are not words to describe all the emotions that surfaced during this experience, but most of all, I felt that I was truly touching an individual that could not survive without my help.
FOTCOH has helped me to realize that even when times are tough for me in daily life, there is always something more that I can be doing with my time to help those less fortunate than I.
Melissa Kersey