Prince Jamesly is a 7month old male that we first met at our May clinic when he was 5 months old and only 3.58kg. At that visit he was very weak with fever and cough and had poor motor tone. Mom was unable to breastfeed. The provider gave him formula to allow for weight gain and regain his strength. The beauty of being on a back-to-back team is that I can see how our patients are doing from the previous clinic.
At this check-up he was up to 3.81kg and qualified to start the Medika Mamba program for malnutrition. Medika Mamba is an 8-week program with a calorie/nutrient-dense peanut butter packet for children age 6 months to 6 years that qualify by being negative 3 standard deviations below the growth curve for weight for length.
The child is prescribed a specific number of packets to eat each day based on their weight. The patients come back to clinic every two weeks to see our Haitian physician to monitor their progress and get more packers.
Prince Jamesley was active, sitting up on his own, and was grabbing for the peanut butter packet of Medika Mamba. We look forward to his growth at the September clinic. If you support FOTCOH with financial donations, please know you are having a direct impact on human lives in Haiti. THANK YOU!