This is Jean Benson Lope. He is 11 years old and has been seen at our clinic for several years.
Today I took extra time to talk to him and his mom. He was having low back pain and leg pain and was very likely having a sickle crisis. We provided ORS for hydration and then pain medication for him to alternate Tylenol and ibuprofen…in addition to the multivitamin, folic acid, and fluoride treatment that he receives at each visit.
Mom has said that he would have many pain episodes each week prior to coming to FOTCOH and now has only 1 or 2 each month. At each visit education is given for prevention of triggers for a sickle cell crisis and how to control his pain.
Mom has been very pleased with the care Jean Benson has received from FOTCOH and you can see in the picture below he is a healthy and happy kid.