As you may already know, Haiti is currently experiencing demonstrations and a high level of civil unrest. Last week gasoline prices were increased by 38%, diesel prices rose 47%, and kerosene went up 51% in an effort to balance the budget in the country. Over the weekend, Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant announced a temporary stop to the price increases and appealed for calm. Although there were protests near the clinic, they have been nonviolent. Thankfully, the FOTCOH Haitian staff and their families are safe.
Early this week, the FOTCOH July Medical Clinic began seeing patients as scheduled. The Haitian-staffed medical team was able to serve the needs of 221 patients during their first day. I am very proud of our staff and their dedication to serving the needs of the Haitian people. We will continue to monitor the situation as our team continues to provide essential medical care for the poor of Haiti.
In the meantime, please keep our Haitian staff, their families, and all of Haiti in your thoughts and prayers as this situation develops. Thank you for your continued support of FOTCOH and we will update you again soon.
Nathan Ruby, Executive Director
How can you get involved in helping children and adults in Haiti?
You can help us provide life-saving support to the Haitian population in and around our medical clinic in a few different ways.
One way is by becoming a volunteer. Volunteer teams from the U.S. travel to Haiti to provide support for the most impoverished people in Haiti, who otherwise would have no access to medical care or wellness education of any kind. Team volunteers work side-by-side with experienced FOTCOH personnel, treating people who otherwise will go without any medical attention. All volunteers return home with a sense of experience and satisfaction unmatched in other endeavors.
Another way is by donating to FOTCOH. Funds go to purchasing medications, surgical supplies, and supporting our Medika Mamba program for malnourished Haitian children.