Supplies Needed

Listed below are some supplies and medications that are needed for our clinic in Haiti. Please contact us for additional information or to schedule a time to drop-off donations. Supplies mailed to the office are welcome at any time.

We kindly request that only donations listed be purchased. Thank you! 

FOTCOH shipping address:
Friends of the Children of Haiti
1020 W Birchwood St.
Morton, IL 61550


Over-the-Counter MEDICINES

  • Multivitamin Infant Drops, 50-milliliter bottles – generic or brand name such as Zarbee’s Baby Multivitamin Drops or Enfamil Poly-Vi-Sol (with or without IRON)
  • Children’s Multivitamin Chewable Tablets – generic or brand such as Flintstones (with IRON, no gummies please)
  • Selenium Sulfide Shampoo – generic, any size bottle
  • Eye rewetting drops – generic, single-use vials or multi-use bottles
  • Zinc oxide cream


  • Toothbrushes – all sizes
  • Diaper Pins
  • Toothpaste (FULLY STOCKED FOR NOW)
  • Cloth diapers (Gerber prefold, 10 count)


  • Band-Aids – generic, fabric type (FULLY STOCKED FOR NOW)
  • ACE wraps
  • Alcohol prep pads (FULLY STOCKED FOR NOW)
  • Hand sanitizer – 8-10 oz size with pump
  • Glucose test strips -Health Pro Easy Touch brand
  • Glucose lancets – 30g (FULLY STOCKED FOR NOW)


  • Clorox disinfecting wipes (FULLY STOCKED FOR NOW)
  • Dixie cups (3oz size) (FULLY STOCKED FOR NOW)
  • Batteries (AA, AAA, 9V)
  • Sharpies (black, red, green) (FULLY STOCKED FOR NOW)
  • Ballpoint pens (blue or black) (FULLY STOCKED FOR NOW)
  • 90% isopropyl alcohol (16-ounce bottle) (FULLY STOCKED FOR NOW)
  • Tongue depressors (FULLY STOCKED FOR NOW)