What an amazing experience this trip has been. I am so proud to be a part of FOTCOH and on this team. It blows my mind how many people that the volunteers help each day. I have taken so many things for granted before this trip. It is truly eye opening. Sunday night many volunteers went […]
Posts with the help in haiti tag
They Wait Hours, Sometimes Days
Our lives are a journey…we are all given different paths to choose. I am grateful that I said yes to coming to Haiti with FOTCOH. The people have truly been an inspiration. The patience I have witnessed by the people waiting hours, sometimes days with little food or water…the elderly with their walking sticks struggling to […]
It’s Why I Knew I Had to Come Back
A little girl around 2 years old was waiting for another volunteer to return with her dossiers. Using the little French I could remember from high school, I called her “une belle enfant” – “a beautiful child“. Her mother (or other relative) who was holding her smiled. Then the elderly woman behind her said “Et […]
Are You the Mother?
As a woman, I have no country, As a woman, I want no country, As a woman, the whole world is my country.” –Virginia Woolf Meet Joseph. He is a five year old, healthy, little boy from Cyvadier, Haiti. He presented to the clinic today to be seen for scabies with a young woman. I […]
Life Has a New Perspective
I arrived in Haiti on my rookie trip as a medical provider with Friends of the Children of Haiti. As an Anesthesiologist in Bloomington, IL., I was concerned that I would struggle with this new type of medical practice. These concerns evaporated quickly on the first clinic day. Within the first several hours of the first […]
Having Seen What I have, Can I just Walk Away?
It’s hard to drive through Port Au Prince and not be overwhelmed by the wrenching poverty. We take clean water for granted, but in Haiti, that is a luxury and the source of many of their problems. Garbage is piled up everywhere and there is a desperation you sense in the people of the street. […]
They Are Relentless in Their Bravery
We are in the home stretch and on the second day of the second week, sitting at breakfast waiting for clinic to begin, I am excited to go downstairs to visit with all of the people that will come to receive our help today. They are remarkable people: those we are treating, and those translators and […]
2003 September Mission Team
(Front, from left) Barbara Hammond, Dick Hammond, Bill Maher (RPh), Joshua Shadlen (student), Heidi Walker (RN) Back row, l-r; Juliana Shadlen (student), Sandra Antor (RN), Linda Bryan (RNP), Kent Bryan (MD), Anne Hramec (RN), Sheilla Beauchamps (student), Marie-Florence Shadlen (MD), Joyce Harmon (Lab), Bruina Beauchamps (student).
2004 February Mission Team
(Front, from left) Jeremy Ufert,MD, Garron Lucas,MD, James Bender,EMT-P. Second row (l-r): Gina Mooney,RN, Jane Gray, Larry Shank, Dick Hammond, Renee Perin,RN, Ed Monroe,RPH, Donna Monroe. Third row(l-r): Eric Behrens, Carol Steiner, Kay Shank,RN, Sue Behrens,RN, Sharon Lukas,RN, Leigh Behrens, Lori Fulk,DMD, Barbara Sumner, Melinda Frank,EMT-P Not present: Mary Hedges, Bob Hoy,Pharm-D.
2004 May Mission Team
(Front, from left) Mark Purcell, Barb Hammond, Dick Hammond, Anne Hramec. Back row, (l-r) Norma Barto, Reyna Barto, Eric Behrens, Carolyn Welsh.